Check back in with me later about this. Read in the mean time...
Kindergarten's 3 R's: Respect, Resources and Rants: Re-Post: Popsicle Sticks, Colored Cards and Clothespins Aren't Classroom Management Tools
Off to school to finish moving and have a chat with my Dean :) Happy Wednesday!
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Alright I’m back! No really, I’m back! This post marks the official re-launch of my blog, and what a re-post it was! Many thanks to Michaele at Kindergartener’s 3 Rs for this profound insight into behavior charts, etc.
So now for my thoughts about this:
I’ve never been gung-ho about the charts, etc, but I have bought in because the color-coded behavior management system is apart of the classroom management expectations of the charter organization to which my school belongs. In my conversation with my Dean this afternoon, I acknowledged as much. This I mentioned the repost to her and some of the thoughts shared there, I also noted how important it is to me that I work on building and maintaining relational capacity with my scholars right from the start of the year.
I went in thinking about taking the blue and red cards out; I would ask about ways Scholars believe they can get the distinct honor of moving up to “perfect purple.” Everyone would start the day on green and those who needed it would move their card to yellow while also taking some time to write/talk about what they needed to do in order to get back on track. My Dean affirmed the track along which I was thinking and reinforced that our social contract process may also be used to establish expectations for moving to purple and that would include, I hope, how we interact with and engage one another in and around our class/school.
Again, all of this is just preliminary, but I would love to hear your thoughts. This is going to be awesome!
Hi Kate! Thanks for tracking me down at my blog and sharing with your readers! I'm looking forward to reading more about your classroom preparations and seeing how your year goes. I too, find myself away from my blog for huge spans of time, and then I find inspiration and blog like crazy. :)